Top 5 Amazon Kindle Publishing Tools of 2016, Fully Explained

When it comes to promotion, keyword research, and monitoring, there are quite a few useful tools that will help you get the job done faster in a more convenient way. Some of them are for promotional reasons and some others for monitoring. Let’s see the tools I personally use in my Kindle Publishing business.

Amazon Author Central

Amazon Author Central

Your author central profile can give you a quick overview of all the books you have published and how they perform. After creating your account in your Author Central, you can log into the platform and add your books. After a couple hours, you will be able to see your book, their sales rank and their reviews in a centralized platform.

Moreover, through your profile on author central, you will be able to alter the description of your author biography, your editorial reviews, and a whole lot more.

This is usually the first tool I set up when I create a new pen author name.


KDSpy-screen2Among the best tools for keyword research, I have come across is KindleSpy, which you may have seen it earlier but here is a screenshot of it again.

With KindleSpy, you will have an instant overview of how this category is performing in seconds. Instead of opening each book you want to check out, in a separate window KindleSpy will do this in a nice floating panel.


KDRoiAnother very useful tool. Remember when I told you about submitting your book to a handful of websites in order to give it maximum exposure?

Well, KDROI will do exactly that for you…in seconds. This is a huge pain relief to be honest and it will save you many hours of promoting your books. A real must-have



AKreport Main Dashboard

Although, Amazon has a platform for publishing your books and having some basic reporting, nonetheless the report section if fairly limited. AKReport is a nice and safe tool, that will transform your report page into an actually useful one.

With this tool, you will be able to see your earnings split up in four main areas. In the first area you will see the active dates you have picked from the date picker and on the rest of the areas you will have three quick access panels with the sales you’ve made yesterday, today and an estimated projection of the running month.

Moreover, you’ll be able to track your KENP sales and the normal royalties in a nice, self-explanatory graph.

And that’s not all about it. KDP Report will also give you the capability of tracking your books ranking and star rating reviews through a modern user interface. You can get it here.

Kindle Book Promotions

kbookpromotions - projectbebest

This is another tool I am using for a long time now. This can be considered a complete promotion suite and one of the best tools available for mass promotion schedules.

But KBookPromotions doesn’t stop there. Besides it’s marketing capabilities, like auto-submitting your book in the various promotion websites, Facebook and Twitter groups, it will also provide you with a plethora of editing tools like:

  • An HTML description generator
  • A niche finder tool
  • An Amazon reviewer finder tool
  • A book rank tracker
  • A keyword link builder

That’s a tool I would highly recommend.

As a closing comment always remember. Tools are there to make our life as publishers easier. They are not to replace our hard work on things like, always evaluating our processes, always trying to improve our marketing skills, or always trying to improve our product.

These skills are of the essence and no tool, no matter how good it is can replace them.

*As a final note, because you often ask me what is the exact methodology I use, the authors, the designers and the exact promotion techniques I utilize in Kindle Publishing, I decided to put together a thorough program, in which I explain in every detail (videos, scripts, resources), the exact same method I use to get these results.

In case you are interested, this is the program I have put together. Thanks!