Must read stuff...
"Improvement begins with I." ~ Arnold H. Glasgow"

The Day I Got my Ferrari
Over the last many, I dare say years, I’ve played this moment countless times in my head. The day I’d pick up my childhood dream

The Boring Story of Becoming a Millionaire
It was about some mid term goals, golden rules I shouldn’t break under any circumstances, some rewards and general motivational stuff. But if you take

Personal Development Annual Review 2017: Huge Milestone Achieved
Long time no see huh? It’s been over six months since I published my last official post on this website. That was kinda intentional, but

Does God Really Exist? An Ode to Reasoning
“If you put your tooth under your pillow, the good tooth fairy will visit you while you’re sleeping, and she will replace it with a

Why Everything in Life Is a Sale (and How To Become a Master Salesman)
Most people associate the word “sale” with something bad. Nowadays it has a negative connotation because when we hear the word sale, we tend to

Why the Law of Attraction Is a Fraud (also Bonus Lesson Included)
I bet that most of you have already read the ultra popular book “The Secret.” The Secret was originally published in 2006, and it’s been

The 7 Most Powerful Status Symbols for Men
Have you ever watched an Animal Planet documentary? The next time you happen to see one, just focus on the way animals communicate with each other.

Start Winning at Life by Following Schumacher’s Rule
Have you ever watched winning teams or athletes a bit closer? I mean world class level players? Have you ever wondered how the keep winning, scoring

Why and How to Start a Mastermind Group Today
I bet you’ve all watched some football or basketball game on TV before right? I also believe that most of you are admirers of some particular

You Can’t Escape the Law of Input and Output, Only Embrace it
People sometimes seem too unaware. Even delusional I’d dare to say. They appear to think that just believing and hoping or even acting someway, will be enough

From Consumption to Production, my 3-Step Process to Take Massive Action
Human beings are used to consume. From the time we’re born, all we care about is to survive. The first thing we do when born

My 10-Step Wonder Morning Routine to Achieve Greatness
We have a saying here in Greece that loosely translates like this: “You can tell a good day judging from the morning.” I know it’s