Relationships stuff...
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." ~ Mae West"

Personal Development Annual Review 2017: Huge Milestone Achieved
Long time no see huh? It’s been over six months since I published my last official post on this website. That was kinda intentional, but

Does God Really Exist? An Ode to Reasoning
“If you put your tooth under your pillow, the good tooth fairy will visit you while you’re sleeping, and she will replace it with a

3 Reasons Why Successful People Suck at Romantic Relationships
Jon’s romantic story began when he was 22 years old. Jon was a “natural” in business as a teenager. When it came to business his

The 7 Most Powerful Status Symbols for Men
Have you ever watched an Animal Planet documentary? The next time you happen to see one, just focus on the way animals communicate with each other.

Learn How to Tame Halo Effect Like a Pro
So let me start with a story. It’s been a while now, but the memory still remains. During my beta years, I used to be in

Why and How to Start a Mastermind Group Today
I bet you’ve all watched some football or basketball game on TV before right? I also believe that most of you are admirers of some particular

5 Things I learned from Reading Elon Musk’s Biography
It’s not striking me very often to be so impressed with a human being. But man, this guy is something else. Yes, I’m talking about Elon

You Can’t Escape the Law of Input and Output, Only Embrace it
People sometimes seem too unaware. Even delusional I’d dare to say. They appear to think that just believing and hoping or even acting someway, will be enough

My Personal Development 2016 Annual Review
It was only a year ago when I wrote my personal development 2015 review (what a surprise), and a lot of things seem to have

The Golden Rulebook of Dating an Entrepreneur (The 10 Commandments to Glory)
“Roberto, you’ve phased out again. Did you hear what I asked?” She said. “What is it, babe? What did you say?” I said. “Oh my

Every Book I’ve Ever Read (So Far)
You know what they say, poor people have big TV’s, rich people have big libraries. Well, although I’m not rich, I do believe the previous

This Is the Only Reason Why You Shouldn’t “Follow Your Heart”
You should have noticed by now. Haven’t you? If not, have a closer look. EVERYTHING people do is driven by their emotions. Don’t you ever think