Wealth stuff...
“Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options.” ~ Chris Rock

The Day I Got my Ferrari
Over the last many, I dare say years, I’ve played this moment countless times in my head. The day I’d pick up my childhood dream

The Boring Story of Becoming a Millionaire
It was about some mid term goals, golden rules I shouldn’t break under any circumstances, some rewards and general motivational stuff. But if you take

Personal Development Annual Review 2017: Huge Milestone Achieved
Long time no see huh? It’s been over six months since I published my last official post on this website. That was kinda intentional, but

5 Business Lessons I Learned from Watching “The Founder”
It’s been a few times in life that a film can be so inspiring. Of course, depending on the belief system of each individual, different

3 Reasons Why Successful People Suck at Romantic Relationships
Jon’s romantic story began when he was 22 years old. Jon was a “natural” in business as a teenager. When it came to business his

Learn How to Tame Halo Effect Like a Pro
So let me start with a story. It’s been a while now, but the memory still remains. During my beta years, I used to be in

Why and How to Start a Mastermind Group Today
I bet you’ve all watched some football or basketball game on TV before right? I also believe that most of you are admirers of some particular

5 Things I learned from Reading Elon Musk’s Biography
It’s not striking me very often to be so impressed with a human being. But man, this guy is something else. Yes, I’m talking about Elon

You Can’t Escape the Law of Input and Output, Only Embrace it
People sometimes seem too unaware. Even delusional I’d dare to say. They appear to think that just believing and hoping or even acting someway, will be enough

The Holy Grail (aka the Unfair Advantage) of Goal Setting
Most people set their goals and resolutions at the beginning of each new year. Yet the majority fails miserably to achieve most of them. But why

From Consumption to Production, my 3-Step Process to Take Massive Action
Human beings are used to consume. From the time we’re born, all we care about is to survive. The first thing we do when born

The 90/10 Rule of Money Making
Once upon a time there was a young farm boy. One day his father decided to teach him a valuable life lesson. He took him